“For the first time, I am free.
I have embraced this journey.”
- R. S. (South Carolina)
“For the first time, I am free.
I have embraced this journey.”
- Sam R. (Kentucky)
Matthew is an open-hearted, vulnerable, and wildly imaginative man.
How he weaves his Christian lineage into the rewilding of man and culture
is a great gift to the world. I trust this man!
- Dr. Scott Eberle, School of Lost Borders (California)
“I didn’t sense God’s presence anymore or was missing...How beneficial (these) spiritual direction sessions have already been! A literal God send. (They have) reminded me of how God is so present every day and still working in my life.”
Having someone on our ministry team struggling with sexual addiction made us ask a couple of questions:
- How do elders respond to the person and the other ministry leaders lovingly and healthily?
- How can we help this person begin the recovery steps and support him throughout this journey?
We connected him to Matthew Lyda (Recover the Wild) to begin the recovery and healing journey. Matthew was able to give (our church) counsel as church leaders in bringing understanding of the recovery process. Still, more importantly, Matthew's year-long investment in the life of our brother has resulted in a life transformation.
We can testify that we have witnessed someone growing in recovery and healing and becoming an even better version of the man we knew. We are thankful for the work and love that Matthew gave throughout the process.
-Pastor (South Carolina)
Interested in recovering your wild?
email: matthew@recoverthewild.com
“Working with Matthew was amazing. He is an exceptional leader and facilitator with a heart of genuine compassion. He helped guide the discussion and always had amazing insight and feedback to give to us. He helped us to see ourselves. I can’t say enough about how helpful and great it was.”
“Matthew was a special mentor who was kind and patient, and non-judgmental. He guided me and accompanied me as I explored the roots of my addictive behavior. He helped me and equipped me with tools and resources to improve myself, break the chain of addiction, and be the best version of myself.”
“Matthew, a great inspiration for me, opened a part of me I didn’t know existed. He led me. to a clear, cool spring, life-changing for me.”
“Working with Matthew over the past year has been most helpful. I am a different and better person today because of the depth of his kindness, empathy, and heart...the container he provided was inviting and safe, and the rewards were life-changing. ”
“Matthew has been a gentle, passionate, and empathetic leader to myself and the group. He led us with wisdom and also provided us the space to share our stories, where we’re at in life, and process those struggles together. ”
“Matthew’s been a patient and faithful guide. When I began my recovery journey, I was unsure about my commitment level. Matthew welcomed me without any reservations. He is skilled in bringing perspective in the middle of failures. He worked with me right where I was. I love his passion to see men free. He gives his all to help people heal. I am very grateful for his service to me. My wife is also grateful! ”
“Working the 12 steps was one of the strangest, hardest, and most emotional experiences. Matthew heard my entire story and helped me process the impact.”
“Meetings over the last year helped me build a foundation for my sobriety. Matthew’s ability to explain, actively listen, and invite me into a mental space was very beneficial. He was sensitive to what I needed. He is a valuable resource. to anyone looking for freedom.”
“It has been great…(Matthew) has been a great leader, leading us into recovery. (His) great, solid, and knowledgeable leadership has been so helpful…(He is) deep, sensitive, upfront, and frank…I appreciate that very much. ”
“If we are all called to put on the mind of Christ, as St. Paul wrote, Matthew is a shining light that can help point the way. His depth of compassion and his call to help others live their most authentic life in union with God serve as a beacon for us all.”
“Matthew was an integral part of my recovery. I would not be where I am today without him and his leadership. I am forever grateful.”
Are you looking to deepen your journey?
Write to me at
“Sparked my creative juices and helped me think about the divine things...I stopped, lingered, and listened to the still small voice inside.”
Dr. Angela Hooks, Heartbeat Formation
The passion Mathew brings to Recover the Wild springs from his own deep experience, spirituality, and his innate playfulness. If this sounds unique, well, it is!
Matthew is able to draw men into conversations that they might not otherwise have – conversations they desperately need in order to break out of shame, pain, and addiction. I admire Matthew as a courageous trailblazer.
I have experienced Matthew as a genuinely authentic person and a man who makes himself surprisingly vulnerable in building relationships of trust. Certainly, he has my trust, and I am so thankful to call him my friend.
- Dan Harris (Chairman of Illuman)
“Matthew was a critical mentor for me and a resource during a severe crisis in my life. He was challenging, compassionate, and always left me feeling hopeful for my own recovery.”
- J.L.
“Matthew’s sharing has been a blessing of motivation and inspiration. I felt renewed and challenged.”
- Robert Edwards (Ohio)
“Matthew’s feedback helped me to interpret my experience in a new way. ”
Interested in inner freedom?
email: matthew@recoverthewild.com
“I support all Matthew does and offers. I love the wildness he brings. He is a gift in what he embodies, brings, and has to offer. ”
“I love his message. Matthew is a much-needed gift in this world! ”
“Matthew’s Centering Prayer course was a great help to my recovery journey. My meditation time was feeling empty and void. Centering prayer seems to be the answer. It has given me the freedom to open my mind.”
“Matthew is a sincere listener who gives great feedback. I am so grateful for what he does! My time with Matthew was so helpful. This has helped my marriage, allowing my wife and I to become closer.”
“My time with Matthew was very wholesome. I learned so much. I’m so thankful for Matthew’s leadership and mentoring he poured into me. I will not forget our time. ”
Interested in Soul Companionship? Contact me at:
“The time and space to reflect and respond was a very healthy space for me”
“I love the peace and play I felt I’m excited to practice contemplative prayer more. Just being here reinforces what I’ve been learning. Stepping away from life at home was excellent. Thank you. ”
“Stepping outside what is comfortable and familiar. There is power and freedom in that. This has opened me up to new possibilities. Thank you! ”
“For the first time, I am free.
I have embraced this journey.”
- R. S. (South Carolina)
“This time provided me an opportunity to respond to things going on in my life. I was lovingly prompted to dig into myself to know myself better, to connect with God and with nature.”
- Miles Klickman (South Carolina)
“Matthew is a creative spiritual explosion.”
- Michelle Krezanoski, MFT (California)
“It was a time of letting go of some things I had held on to. It was helpful to be able to connect with other men.” ”
“A good opportunity to learn more about myself. I came here to find meaning in my recovery, but I feel I learned more about my growth in tackling my fears and being open to new lessons.”
“This time was rich in community and ritual. It was intentional about giving time and space for both the sensual and the spiritual. The time of wanderings was the quiet place I needed (in order) to sense the spark and whisper of the Divine.”
“For the first time, I am free.
I have embraced this journey.”
- R. S. (South Carolina)
“I found the time and space to pull away and recenter on what was real, true, valuable, and beautiful; quite refreshing. The instructional times were rich and meaningful.”
- J.G. (South Carolina)
“I connected with (the) poetry - impactful.
I love hearing other men’s stories.
They remind me I am not alone.”
“This was breaking out of the normal routine for me. ”
“Matthew gets it. He has a passion to see men healed, live freely, encounter what has been hidden, and live with purpose.”
“Matthew’s anointed for the work he’s doing; a healing balm flows through his presence and touches so many hearts. Grateful to him for helping me find my way to sobriety.”
“Matthew has a capacious heart. He empathetically resonates with men’s deepest emotions and desires, then tenderly mirrors those feelings, bringing them into the light of awareness.”
“If you want someone who will hold your soul with gentle, creative energy, you want to invite Matthew Lyda into your journey. He is trustworthy, wise, and unfailingly kind.”
“This helped HEAL my marriage. My wife and I became closer.”
- T. G. (Idaho)